NICEF, UNESCO and WHO came up with ten life skills which are considered to be core strategies and techniques that every adult should attain. In this blog I will group these skills into 7, and are listed and explored into more detail here below: –

1. Problem-solving and decision-making.

In our everyday life, whether at home or at work and in whatever you are doing, you are faced with countless problems and decisions. Many of the decisions and problems that we encounter everyday are so small that we do not even notice them however, some people may feel overwhelmed even with small decisions. Small decisions that we come across each day might be like; coffee or tea? What shall I wear today? Whilst greater decisions might be; shall I propose to my partner? Should we buy a house? Making decisions and solving problems are key in our life and you might come to a halt as you come to a dilemma what to do or what to decide. 

When it comes to problem-solving, first you need to identify the problem and then break it down into components. Sometimes the solution would be clear and obvious however, you might need the help of others to help you reflect and think over and over your solution before taking the decision and solve the problem. 

2. Effective communication skills.

This skill is absolutely necessary in your personal life and also at the place of work. Having effective communication skills is based on other skills such as; listening. Listening is one of the main key skills for communication. Zig Ziglar used to say that we listen to reply and not to understand the other person. Non-verbal communication is also to be considered for effective communication. Make sure to notice any non-verbals that you might be doing whilst talking and even observe others’ non-verbal communication which may convey non-verbal messages. Developing better communication skills can help you avoid conflict and even help better in decision-making. 

3. Creative and Critical thinking.

Ideally this is a skill that should be attained when you are still a kid. So, if you are a parent, encourage your child to be curious, to explore, and to come up with questions and investigate how things work. Help them to think of different ways to solve problems so as to solve problems. Involve them in activities where they have choices of planning and decision-making. 

If you are an adult, and you need to improve this skill, you can still do something to improve your creative and critical thinking skill. Firstly, you need to know exactly what you want and always consider the consequences of your options. Remaining curious can help you improve this skill. 

4. Interpersonal relationship skills. 

These kind of skills are the skills which we use in our everyday life to communicate with others on an individual and/or group level. These skills are used to collaborate and work with others. When attaining this skill, one needs to be self-aware and have awareness of others. To improve your interpersonal relationship skills, be conscious and respectful towards others, be open-minded and self-disciplined.  

5. Self-awareness building skills including; emotional intelligence 

Being self-aware is your perception of you. This can be improved by keeping an open mind, be mindful of your strengths and weakness and also know your emotional triggers. Being aware of your emotional triggers can help you enhance your emotional intelligence and hence, you become aware of how your actions affect others. 

6. Self-control including assertiveness 

Self-control is the ability to control one’s emotions. To control your emotions, you need to be aware of your emotions first, then regulate your reactions to strong emotions such as; frustration, excitement and anger. Together with these, it is important to be assertive so that you learn to talk about the things which you dislike or you don’t agree with. However, it is important to have self-control to control your emotions when sharing your thoughts with others. 

7. Coping with stress and emotions. 

It is very important to attain this skill that is; to be able to cope with stress and emotions. To cope with stress, take care of yourself, take short breaks, take care of your body, and talk to others around you about your stressors and how these effect your emotions. Try to practice mindfulness and distract your mind to focus on something else other than your stressors.  

If you think that you can benefit from professional support on this issue you can reach out here.
Rachel Osmond is a Family Therapist with Willingness who works with individuals, couples and families. She also has experience with children and adolescents.