Infidelity can be understood as a violation of the relationship agreement, broken trust and the threat of hindering the attachment to the partner. Infidelity can be emotional, sexual or as lately being researched virtual.

Virtual infidelity can be defined as a relationship, be it emotional, sexual or intimate, that began with online contact and is maintained mainly through online chatting, facetime or emails. This type of infidelity can either be with a single person or with different people through chat groups.

The internet has provided a new challenge for relationships; that of virtual infidelity. Some might view virtual infidelity as having the same impact as real life infidelity.

Some people find virtual infidelity to be as hurtful as face-to-face infidelity since it elicits the same emotions from the individuals and the same actions are present. Meaning, whether online or not, one individual seeks a romantic or sexual connection with someone else and that it is done in secrecy.

Infidelity can not be defined the same for everyone since different people have different views on what makes up their relationship and it’s boundaries. It will benefit the couple to discuss their comfort when it comes to other partners and what they believe to be infidelity, so that there is no confusion between the individuals in their relationship.


– Michaela Bonello is a Bachelor of Psychology (Hons.) student at the University of Malta. She is interested in the areas of relationship counselling and sex therapy. Michaela is an intern at