The end of a relationship can bring about several different emotions and can be quite challenging for someone, even if said individual is responsible for the break-up. Nonetheless, break-ups are inevitable as everyone goes through this experience at some point in their life (Cherney, 2019). That’s why we’ve gathered below 7 tips on how to deal with a break-up. 

1. Acknowledge and express your emotions

Whether one is responsible for ending the relationship or not, emotions are high following a break-up. These could include a combination of positive and negative emotions ranging from relief and acceptance to rejection and embarrassment. Nevertheless, it is important for one to identify and acknowledge these feelings (Cherney, 2019). 

2. Take time for oneself

Some might be afraid of the idea of being ‘alone’ and hence in such situations an immediate replacement is sought. However, it is important to give oneself time to heal. Moreover, it is important for one to find oneself again. During this time one can consider whether they had changed for their partner and whether they had lost themselves in the relationship. Therefore, this gives one the opportunity to re-discover oneself and be one’s true self all over again (Cherney, 2019). Additionally, this time can provide one with an opportunity to do things one enjoys doing but might not have had the time due to the relationship (Bahn, 2021).

3. Surround oneself with a supportive network

During this time, it is important to keep oneself occupied. Feeling lonely following a break-up is common and thus having support from friends, family or a professional is essential. Not only does this provide one with the ability to express oneself but it also provides a feeling of love and support during this difficult time. Hence, a supportive network reduces isolation and decreases the risk of falling into a depressive state (Cherney, 2019).

4. Thought stopping

Dwelling on what could have been or what one might have done wrong will change absolutely nothing. Although it is easier said than done, thought stopping is a good method to move on following a break-up. This means stopping oneself from thinking about the past relationship and finding distractions to change one’s thoughts (Bahn, 2021).

5. Unfollow from social media

It is common for one to stalk one’s ex on social media. However, this can actually exacerbate negative emotions. Even though some might consider this as an avoidance technique, unfollowing one’s ex can be a healthy decision enabling one to move one and deal with a break-up without dwelling in the past (Bahn, 2021).

6. Increase physical exercise

Exercise is proven to enable better sleep, enhance one’s mood and instills a calmness within oneself (Bahn, 2021). All of which can help one feel better while dealing with a break-up.

7. Give oneself the time one needs

Being patient with oneself to deal with all the emotions involved following the break-up is essential. Although one might try and see the positive aspect of the break-up remember that one still needs time to heal and move on (Bahn, 2021).

If you think that you can benefit from professional support on this issue you can reach out here.

Yasmine Bonnici graduated in Nursing and also completed her Masters in Counselling. She has worked with victims of domestic violence, clients dealing with suicidal ideations, bereavement, separation, and anxieties. She is currently working with Willingness Team as a counsellor seeing clients who would like to explore their own identity and deal with any surfacing issues.


Bahn, M. (2021). Best Ways Take Care of Yourself After a Breakup. Prevention. Retrieved 30 March 2022, from
Cherney, K. (2019). How to Cope with a Breakup: A Step-by-Step Guide. Healthline. Retrieved 30 March 2022, from