Willingness | Queer 360 | Gender and Sexuality Diversity Conference

Queer 360 | Gender and Sexuality Diversity Conference

As part of the 360° conferences which were launched in 2014, a ‘Gender and sexuality diversity’ conference was organized. During this conference, professionals had the opportunity to discuss and disseminate information regarding the LGBTI+ Community, including relationships, sexuality, gender, family … Read more

Willingness | Fear of Commitment | Nghidu Kelma

Fear of Commitment | Nghidu Kelma

As part of the Nghidu Kelma series, the topic ‘Fear of Commitment’ was discussed with professionals and students from a variety of fields. During this seminar Dr. Roberta Lepre, Mr. Thomas Galea and Ms. Zvetlana Cassar were the main key … Read more

Willingness | Empathising with the Monster | Nghidu Kelma

Empathising with the Monster | Nghidu Kelma

Following the success of the seminar ‘Empathising with the Monster’ as part of ‘Nghidu Kelma’ in 2016, the seminar was held again to explore how literature defines paedophilia. Furthermore, through discussions and group work this workshop helped participants look at … Read more

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