Willingness | Hoarding


Hoarding is the act of collecting things that may not have much use or value to most people. People who are considered to be hoarders collect many items on a daily basis which then create a lot of clutter. Hoarders … Read more

Willingness | Sexual Trauma

Sexual Trauma

Sexual trauma can be one event or a series of events that escalate over time. It can involve rape, sexual harassment, inappropriate touching and being pressured/coerced to perform and engage in sexual activity that you do not wish to engage … Read more

Willingness | Postnatal depression

Postnatal depression

Welcoming a new baby is a big life event. It’s common and natural to experience various emotions after giving birth. Many new parents have a lot of questions, uncertainties and expectations about their new role. However, if this life event … Read more

Willingness | Sex and Consent

Sex and Consent

Consent is an agreement between individuals to engage in sexual activities. Sexual consent can at times be a grey area because it involves verbal and non-verbal communication about what we want sexually. It needs to be given freely and is … Read more

Willingness | Reflecting on your own behaviour

Reflecting on your own behaviour

Sometimes we come home after a tiring day, and tend to react our stress at our partner. But when you think of it, wouldn’t it be nicer to come home and be able to relax and have a great time, … Read more

Willingness | CBT 2/2

CBT 2/2

Sometimes as we process our thoughts, we corner ourselves cognitively where we think negatively about ourselves. This is usually done as a coping mechanism in order to avoid anxiety provoking situations. I usually like to compare this to horse blinkers, … Read more

Willingness | CBT Part 1/2

CBT Part 1/2


CBT is one of the most researched forms of psychotherapy, mainly due to its efficiency in helping with symptoms of depression and anxiety. What does it stand for? CBT stands for Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Its basic premise stems from … Read more

Willingness | 50 Shades Safer

50 Shades Safer

BDSM, which stands for Bondage, Dominance, Sadism & Masochism is an acronym for a multitude of fetish play types and scenarios including bondage, power structures, domination/master roles, pain, and other physical and emotional ‘extremes’.  While BDSM … Read more

Willingness | Intimacy and breast cancer? Part 1/2

Intimacy and breast cancer? Part 1/2

Being diagnosed with cancer is a life changing experience.  There is usually initial shock and denial, then the sometimes long journey of facing breast surgery and various oncological treatments. The focus during this time is that of survival, and of … Read more

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