Willingness | How to Deal with a Miscarriage

How to Deal with a Miscarriage

Miscarriages are very common. Although everyone will have a different emotional  reaction to it, it is usually accompanied by intense grief and anyone who experiences it  would need care and support. Most of the time, early losses are also very … Read more

Willingness | How can anxiety impact my quality of life?

How can anxiety impact my quality of life?

Anxiety is a natural human response that can be manifested in the form of worrying thoughts, feelings of dread, and physical sensations such as increased heartbeat, tension, sweating, and increased sensitivity to our surroundings. From an evolutionary perspective, anxiety had … Read more

Willingness | The Intimate Partner Violence Has on Victims

The Intimate Partner Violence Has on Victims

There can be a wide variety of terms used to refer to domestic violence such as ‘spousal abuse’, ‘dating violence’, ‘intrapersonal abuse’, ‘wife beating’, ‘intimate terrorism’ and ‘intimate partner violence’. 

During this blog, the term intimate partner violence will be … Read more

Willingness | 5 Reasons to Own the Act of Self-Pleasure

5 Reasons to Own the Act of Self-Pleasure

Sexual self-pleasure can be explained as the act of touching and stimulating one’s own body for sexual pleasure. This can involve any number of activities, including (but not limited to) masturbation, use of sex toys, fantasy, and/or exploration of one’s … Read more

Willingness | To Pros and Cons  of Being Your Own Boss

To Pros and Cons of Being Your Own Boss

It can be a thrilling experience to quit your regular job and work for yourself because it  opens up a new universe of limitless opportunities. It demands passion and patience  because it is a risky endeavour. Still, not everyone can … Read more

Willingness | What to expect when you’re pregnant: Part 1

What to expect when you’re pregnant: Part 1

Pregnancy is a unique journey, for some it is a positive experience which they were looking forward to. While others might be taken aback with the news and still under shock. Additionally, it is well-known that pregnancy brings along several … Read more

Willingness | Why is Exercise Good for the Brain?

Why is Exercise Good for the Brain?

When we think about the benefits of exercising, we tend to focus on it giving us more energy, losing, or maintaining weight, building stronger muscles, and having better sleep. While, these are all valid and beneficial reasons, we rarely think … Read more

Willingness | Why is My Child Being Violent?

Why is My Child Being Violent?

Some parents might find themselves wondering why their child is showing aggressive and violent behaviour. Maybe the tantrums have become more frequent, and your child has started to hit you, or throw things in anger. It can be quite shocking … Read more

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