Being an early riser or not, mornings can be challenging. Indeed, it is hard to start your day cheery if you are overtired or stressed. Nonetheless, one can incorporate a few habits in their morning routine that will profoundly influence … Read more
Meta għandi nfittex fiżjoterapista?
Għalkemm il-fiżjoterapija sar professjoni komuni fil-qasam tas-saħħa, wieħed jista’ jkun konfuż meta għandu jfittex dan is-servizz. Fis-sezzjonijiet li ġejjin ser tkun magħruf meta huwa bżonnjuż is-servizz tal-fiżjoterapija.
Uġigħ huwa l-iktar sintomu komuni li niltaqgħu miegħu fil-ħajja ta’ kuljum. Ħafna … Read more
The difference between IBS and IBD
IBD stands for Inflammatory Bowel disorder, whilst IBS stands for Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Whilst these may sound similar, they are very different conditions and the distinction between the two needs to be clear in mind when reading further about a … Read more
My doctor diagnosed IBD…what can I eat?
Having Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) does not necessarily mean being restricted with your foods. The first ideal step to take when your diagnosis is made is to keep a food diary, as mentioned above. This will help you identify any … Read more
My doctor diagnosed IBD…what now?
You had some trouble with your bowel habits and ended up going to your doctor after having some pain on and off because your relatives or colleagues suggested you should check it out. The doctor performed several tests and you … Read more
My doctor diagnosed IBD…what type?
Inflammatory bowel disease has two distinct categories, and when being diagnosed with IBD, one will surely ask which of the two is the case. These two categories are Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis. This short explanation will give you the … Read more
My doctor diagnosed IBD…What does that mean?
IBD is short for Inflammatory Bowel Disease, and it is a term used by healthcare professionals to describe conditions that affect your digestive tract. The digestive tract includes all the bodily areas that have to do with digestion of the … Read more
What Is Fatigue?
Fatigue is a feeling of being extremely tired, weak and generally feeling very exhausted. Fatigue does not have to be physical feelings of tiredness; it can also be experienced mentally or as a combination of both physical and mental. We all … Read more
‘My Obesity Makes Me Feel Worthless’
Do you ever notice the following thoughts wandering through your mind? If so, how often does this happen?
- ‘I am not good enough’
- ‘Everyone else is better than me’
- ‘I don’t deserve to be liked for who I am’
- ‘I
Is My Gut Under Stress?
The gut is also known as the gastrointestinal tract, which is the digestive tract from the mouth to the anus which includes all the organs of the digestive system in humans and other animals. The gut is a combination of … Read more