July in Malta has seen the initial Covid-19 vaccinations of children aged 12 to 15 on one hand and a protest led by a number of anti-vaxxers on the other. One did not necessarily cause the other, however for a … Read more
5 Reasons Why Exercising with your Friend is Better
The benefits of exercise are too numerous to count, exercise not only improves your quality of life, and overall health and well-being but acts as a therapeutic approach to increase your resistance to illness and improve your recovery period (Bielecki … Read more
3 reasons why you should take time to prepare your meal
There are a number of benefits to meal planning, which is simply preparing and thinking of meals ahead. One can decide whether meal planning is to be done for the family or for oneself. Nevertheless, planning one’s meals allows one … Read more
Why Physiotherapy?
Everyone has met with this scenario at some point in time. You are busy at work, doing chores at home or trying to stay fit by exercising. Suddenly, you feel a slight pain in your lower back, your neck stiffens, … Read more
How can water help you focus?
Drinking water is always beneficial but more so during these hot summer months. We frequently hear how important it is to drink water and that the recommended intake is at least 2 litres per day. The most obvious reason to … Read more
Supporting my partner through Fibromyalgia
Coping with Fibromyalgia is very challenging because of the “invisibility” of the illness, the ambiguity of the illness, as well as the lack of knowledge on the subject. As a result, supporting a person with fibromyalgia can be challenging in … Read more
Is Obesity linked to Anxiety?
Obesity is a major public health problem that affects approximately every third person in the world population. Obese individuals in Western societies often experience prejudice and discrimination due to their weight, which can become a huge psychological burden. Facing the … Read more
Why having a daily routine is important for post COVID health
Having a daily routine can be extremely beneficial in your daily life. Now more than ever, a routine is important for creating a healthy mind post Covid. Also, if that is not enough to tempt you into creating a routine, … Read more
Ala Qed Nibża Nieħu l-Vaċċin?
Il-pandemija tal-COVID-19 ġabet magħha ħafna sfidi u inċertezzi. Matul dan iż-żmien, kellna ngħixu bil-biża’ li nimirdu u nferrxu virus tant jittieħed. Kellna nadattaw għal bidla totali fil-mod ta’ kif stajna ngħixu ħajjitna. Għamilna sagrifiċċji kbar biex nżommu ’l bogħod mill-maħbubin … Read more
The relationship between food & mental health
We all have that particular food item that when we eat it we feel good; this could be a juicy burger or a delicious ice-cream. We notice that after we eat our favourite food, we smile more and experience a … Read more