Willingness | Mindful Eating for Christmas

Mindful Eating for Christmas

The past few months have not been easy, adjusting to a new sense of normalcy that feels anything but “normal”. As Christmas approaches, some of these changes are bound to feel even stranger. How can we respond rather than react … Read more

Willingness | Are Vitiligo and Alopecia Areata Triggered by stress?

Are Vitiligo and Alopecia Areata Triggered by stress?

‘Skin is the exterior barrier through which we have contact with the environment; it is a means of communication and also offers protection from the outer world. Skin diseases can induce emotional, social and occupational problems, affecting self‐image and also … Read more

Willingness | Qed inħossni l-ħin kollu għajjien għax għandi l-fibromyalgia

Qed inħossni l-ħin kollu għajjien għax għandi l-fibromyalgia

Il-fibromyalgia hija kundizzjoni li taffettwa ġeneralment il-ġisem kollu. Uġiegħ fl-għadam u fil-muskoli, uġiegħ ta’ ras huma xi sintomi tal-kundizzjoni fost l-oħrajn. Is-sintomi ivarjaw mal-individwu, iġifieri jien naf ikolli sintomi differenti minn persuni oħra li għandhom il-fibromyalgia wkoll. Dan l-uġiegħ jaf … Read more

Willingness | Le mhix qansħa, ommi għandha l-fibromyalgia

Le mhix qansħa, ommi għandha l-fibromyalgia

Il-fibromyalgia hija marda li nistgħu ngħidu mhux ħafna nies jafu dwarha. Dan huwa minħabba l-fatt illi bħala marda, pjuttost ma tidhirx. Is-sintomi jinħassu, iżda ma jidhrux minn barra.

Il-Fibromyalgia hija marda kronika, jiġifieri marda li tippersisti għal żmien … Read more

Willingness | I will not get COVID-19!

I will not get COVID-19!

It won’t happen to me! I will not get it! I am not at high risk!

Unfortunately, this is an idea we have been probably feeding ourselves over and over since COVID-19 has been declared as a pandemic by WHO. … Read more

Willingness | Sport/Exercise vs COVID-19|part 2

Sport/Exercise vs COVID-19|part 2

Important tips:

  1. As these times may feel a bit isolating, it’s important to keep in touch with your team-mates, gym friends and people who can keep your motivations high and provide a level of social support.
  2. Organise your time so
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Willingness | Sport/Exercise vs COVID-19|part 1

Sport/Exercise vs COVID-19|part 1

In these times of uncertainty, it is easy for us to feel out of control, especially when our healthy lifestyle, such as our sport and exercise routine, is affected. A sudden unwanted disruption to our autonomy in our routines can … Read more

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