Willingness | ‘You never wake up to tend to the baby!’

‘You never wake up to tend to the baby!’

How do inaccurate perceptions of our partners’ sleep affect our relationship?

Many of us have surely heard of the notorious sleep-deprived couples who have just welcomed a baby into their family. The transition of a couple to parenthood – especially … Read more

Willingness | Lis-Sieħba M’Għadnix Naraha Attraenti

Lis-Sieħba M’Għadnix Naraha Attraenti

“X’differenza! Qabel kienet tassew toġgħobni u qas kien jirnexxielna nneħħu jdejna minn ta’ xulxin, u issa xejn!” Jista’ jagħti l-każ li, wara ċertu żmien, lis-sieħba tiegħek ma tibqax taraha attraenti bħalma kont qabel u, minħabba f’hekk, ir-relazzjoni ta’ bejnietkom ma … Read more

Willingness | Why do people have sex?

Why do people have sex?

Why do people have sex? The answer might seem pretty obvious. This is because most people assume that the motivation behind having sex is simple in nature; that people have sex either to reproduce, to experience pleasure, or to relieve … Read more

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