Time and money are two fundamental sources that shape our lives. Both are essential in achieving our goals and fulfilling our desires. The debate over which holds greater value, time or money, has long been a subject of contemplation and analysis. While money enables us to acquire goods and services, time, once spent, is irreplaceable. The significance of each is subjective and context-dependent, but the argument often leans toward time being the more precious commodity.

Time is a finite resource. It is the great equalizer, as everyone, regardless of status or wealth, has the same 24 hours a day. Once time is spent, it cannot be reclaimed. On the other hand, money holds a different value; it can be earned, saved, and spent. Despite the ability to earn more money, time continues to tick away, and there is no means of extending or recovering the moments that have passed.

Various psychological researches delve into the correlation between time, money, and happiness. While an increase in income can provide a sense of security and comfort, it is the allocation of time that significantly influences overall well-being. Indeed, studies indicate that people who prioritise time over money tend to be happier. The research suggests that individuals who invest their resources in experiences, relationships, and personal growth, rather than constantly pursuing wealth, exhibit higher levels of life satisfaction and fulfillment.

Consider a scenario where someone sacrifices their time, putting in long hours at work to accumulate wealth. While they may accumulate financial resources, the trade-off often involves missing out on personal moments, experiences, and relationships. In contrast, those who allocate their time towards meaningful experiences, family, and personal development might have less monetary wealth but could potentially enjoy a greater sense of happiness and life satisfaction.

The Relationship between Time and Money

It is crucial to recognise that the relationship between time and money is complex and multifaceted. Money can certainly enhance one’s ability to enjoy and make the most of their time. It can provide opportunities for travel, education, and the freedom to pursue passions. Moreover, financial stability can alleviate stress and offer a sense of security, allowing individuals to focus on their well-being.

The essence of time transcends financial gains. The emotional value of moments shared with loved ones, personal achievements, and the experiences that shape our lives cannot be quantified by monetary wealth. These intangible elements often define our happiness and fulfillment.

While money is undeniably a powerful tool that facilitates various aspects of life, time holds an unmatched significance. The ability to manage and cherish time is paramount in fostering personal growth, nurturing relationships, and finding contentment. Finding a balance between time and money is crucial, as the wise use of one can often enhance the value of the other. Ultimately, the worth of time, with its irreplaceable nature and influence on our well-being, makes a compelling case for being more valuable than money.

If you think that you can benefit from professional support on this issue you can reach out here

Charlot Cauchi is a Gestalt Psychotherapist at Willingness. He has experience working with adult clients with mental health difficulties, anxiety and depression, loss and grief, traumatic experiences, stress and relational issues.


Whillans, A. V., Dunn, E. W., Smeets, P., Bekkers, R., & Norton, M. I. (2017). Buying time promotes happiness. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114(32), 8523–8527. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1706541114