Love, Relationship, Sexual and Pornographic addictions are an increasing phenomena worldwide yet little, if any, attention is given over to this in training courses. The use of sex or pornography is an attempt to connect to a need for connection to another or to be intimate with another that gets lost in the confluence of the addiction. Paradoxically, addiction leads the person further away from getting their needs met, by creating instead disconnection, loneliness and possible isolation. Many therapists fear dealing with the issue and avoid it within the therapeutic space, fearing being untrained or due to some interpersonal issue that blocks them from exploring the issue with their clients.
The first Nghidu Kelma seminar for 2020 was held on ‘Sex & Porn Addiction’. Following the success of Mr. Kevin McCann Key Note Webinar during the Queer 360 Conference, and his last Ngħidu Kelma Seminar on Internalised Homophobia, Mr. McCann was also the key speaker for this event. This seminar aimed to address the issues of sex and porn addictions and support attendees to feel more comfortable in supporting both themselves and their clients to explore the nature of their addiction and its function in their lives.