As the end of summer starts approaching, you are likely to start thinking about the lifestyle you want to live post-summer. If you are a student, your routines are very likely to be different in summer and in winter. One of the great advantages of being a student is that you get a long stretch of holidays. During this time you can lay back, relax and regain your energy for the following academic year. However, some students decide to work in summer. This could be for several reasons including; earning money, meeting new people, experiencing the adult life, becoming more responsible, gaining independence and learning new skills. Whilst some students want to have a job only during summer, others might be contemplating whether they should keep their job during term time as well. The following are a few tips that can help you decide.

  • Money – One of the main reasons why people go to work is to earn a salary. Obviously, retaining your summer job will give you a financial boost. The tricky part is to prioritise how to use the money that you earn. If you are still supported by your parents and are not expected to contribute financially towards bills and groceries, then you will need little money to get through student life. The more you have, the more you can spend or save, depending on how you look at it. If you prioritise your costs between entertainment, shopping and other needs, you can make it work. Budgeting is key. For those who are in a position where they need to be more independent e.g. having to pay rent, your choice to work or not is probably much more limited because the costs are high.
  • Time management – The major struggle with studying and working at the same time is finding the time to do everything and doing them well. Thus, an important skill you need to learn is time-management. You will probably need to reduce your shifts as you need to balance between studying and working. This might include making some sacrifices such as staying up later than usual, waking up earlier or going out less often. Use your time efficiently. If you have free lessons and usually relax during this time, work on assignments instead. If you use public transport, use the commute to catch up on some reading.
  • Experience – Being able to maintain your job throughout winter can show potential employers that you can handle stress and responsibility. Future jobs can entail an amount of working under pressure thus, being able to manage your own stress can help you further on. Having experience in a specific workplace can also help you to keep growing within that setting especially if it is an area where you would like to work once you finish your studies.

In conclusion, keeping your summer job can have several benefits. You will definitely find ways to use the extra cash and can also learn a lot during this time. However, you need to decide if you can handle the stress of working and studying at the same time, and if the money you will be earning is worth the sacrifices you will need to make.

Dr Marilyn Muscat is registered as an Educational Psychologist with the Health and Care Professions Council in the United Kingdom where she trained. She works with children, adolescents and their families to understand more about educational, social and emotional well-being concerns that they have and to help them improve upon their difficulties. She can be contacted on ma*****@wi*********.mt or call us on 79291817.