Willingness | 5 ways coffee can affect your health

5 ways coffee can affect your health

While coffee can have several potential benefits, such as giving you energy and improving your mood, there are still negative aspects to drinking it. It can affect both your mental and physical health in a negative manner. 

The following might

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Willingness | Ten reasons to exercise with a group

Ten reasons to exercise with a group

We all know that doing exercise is good for our physical and mental health. Some people use workouts as their way of relaxing and destressing and therefore manage to keep up their motivation and exercise regularly. However, for others, the

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Willingness | <strong>How can I manage my fibromyalgia?</strong>

How can I manage my fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is characterised by chronic pain, difficulty in focusing and recalling memories. There are a lot of misconceptions surrounding it, many of which surround how one can manage the condition. The below are some basic tips that can help.


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Willingness | Fitness 101 for Busy Bodies

Fitness 101 for Busy Bodies

When our schedule becomes too busy, working out tends to be put on the back burner. It becomes too difficult to continue our consistent exercise routine because everything else seems to be just more important. However, keeping a regular exercise

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Willingness | Why is Exercise Good for the Brain?

Why is Exercise Good for the Brain?

When we think about the benefits of exercising, we tend to focus on it giving us more energy, losing, or maintaining weight, building stronger muscles, and having better sleep. While, these are all valid and beneficial reasons, we rarely think

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Willingness | All You Need To Know:  Dietitians

All You Need To Know: Dietitians

1. What is a Dietitian?

As its most basic definition, a dietitian supports people with food and nutrition so that they can live healthier and better well-being.

2. What Do They Do?

Dietitians try to improve their health and prevent

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Willingness | How to deal with diabetes-related stress?

How to deal with diabetes-related stress?

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder caused by ineffective production or utilization of the hormone insulin. The physical and psychological costs of diabetes can be high. Besides disease-specific symptoms, diabetes can lead to considerable physical, emotional, and social stress. Let’s try

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Willingness | All You Need to Know:  Physiotherapy

All You Need to Know: Physiotherapy

1. What is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy helps people to regain their mobility and functional abilities first, and then to move more easily when they experience an injury or illness that affects physical activity. 

2. What Do Physiotherapists Do?

Physiotherapists, thanks to

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Willingness | Is it worth hiring a personal trainer?

Is it worth hiring a personal trainer?

Personal training is getting more and more popular, with gym goers opting for this
personalised service. Plenty of gyms even provide this service as part of their brochure
now. Some say hiring one was the best decision they made when

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