Willingness | <strong>7 Tips for a Resilient and Healthy Mind</strong>

7 Tips for a Resilient and Healthy Mind

In today’s fast-paced world, safeguarding mental well-being is crucial for holistic health. Just as we carefully monitor our physical health, it is equally vital to adopt a health-oriented perspective for assessing and nurturing our mental well-being. In light of this,

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Willingness | <strong>Qed Inħoss Vojt Kbir fir-Relazzjoni </strong>

Qed Inħoss Vojt Kbir fir-Relazzjoni 

Jista’ jkun hemm diversi raġunijiet għalfejn wieħed iħoss il-vojt f’relazzjoni. Ħafna drabi, dan il-vojt jista’ jimmanifesta ruħu bħala solitudni, konfużjoni rigward il-ħajja, dwejjaq, jew inkella nuqqas ta’ motivazzjoni. Xi drabi, jaf ikun hemm taħlita ta’ raġunijiet. Jista’ jagħti l-kaz

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Willingness | <strong>What is the actual cost of multi-tasking?</strong>

What is the actual cost of multi-tasking?

Are you more of a “one thing at a time” or an “all at once” person? In today’s world, being able to tackle different things at once is often required. We even mention multi-tasking in our CV as one of

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Willingness | <strong>X'Tista' Tagħmel Meta Tħossok Bla Enerġija</strong>

X’Tista’ Tagħmel Meta Tħossok Bla Enerġija

Hemm ċans tajjeb li tispiċċa mingħajr enerġija meta jkollok ħafna affarijiet jiġru f’daqqa, argumenti u, possibbilment, nuqqas ta’ sapport min-naħa tal-ħbieb u tal-familja. Dan jaf inaqqaslek il-kapaċità li tieħu ħsieb tiegħek innifsek u ta’ ħaddieħor u, konsegwenza t’hekk, tonqoslok il-paċenzja

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Willingness | 10 Tips for Better Sleeping Habits

10 Tips for Better Sleeping Habits

It is essential that you manage to get a good night’s sleep because your body needs to be able to rest and recharge after a long and stressful day. It is especially important for your physical health and mental wellbeing.

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Willingness | What is Multiple Sclerosis (MS)?

What is Multiple Sclerosis (MS)?

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a lifelong condition which directly affects the spinal cord and the brain. Thus symptoms most likely include problems with balance, sensation and vision. MS is most likely diagnosed in one’s 20’s, 30’s or 40’s and in

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Willingness | <strong>How Does Physical Therapy Help Mental Health</strong>

How Does Physical Therapy Help Mental Health

Given the multiple networks of communication between the brain and the body system, the mind and body are connected. In fact, one’s mental health can deteriorate following a major medical event, for instance a serious fall, going through surgery, or

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Willingness | 6 Benefits of Dancing

6 Benefits of Dancing

There are a number of different types of dancing that one can do, from a range of disco dancing to ballroom dancing. Dance is a way for people to celebrate what they are going through, as well as using it

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