Willingness | Din mhix it-terapista li qed nfittex

Din mhix it-terapista li qed nfittex

Biex issib terapista li tgħinek tħossok aħjar mhux daqshekk faċli. Infatti, hemm ċans kbir li l-proċess biex dan isir jeħodlok ħafna mill-ħin tiegħek. Però, fl-aħħar mill-aħħar, meta dan il-proċess isir tajjeb, m’għandux jiddispjaċik. Jekk tinnota, hemm ċertu kwalitajiet li kull

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Willingness | Is it the right time to apologise?

Is it the right time to apologise?

‘I am sorry.’ – Three words that are not always easy to say. The right timing plays an important role when apologising for something wrong you have done. 

Before we speak about timing though, let’s quickly check whether it is

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Willingness | Αn unusual blog on Long Distance Relationships

Αn unusual blog on Long Distance Relationships

“Be realistic, it’s never gonna last”

D. X. 

Anyone who was ever engaged in any kind of Long-Distance Romantic Relationship (LDRR) must have heard this comment or a similar one at least once. Distance relationships have become increasingly common. To

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Willingness | ‘You never wake up to tend to the baby!’

‘You never wake up to tend to the baby!’

How do inaccurate perceptions of our partners’ sleep affect our relationship?

Many of us have surely heard of the notorious sleep-deprived couples who have just welcomed a baby into their family. The transition of a couple to parenthood – especially

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