Willingness | How do I support a depressed partner?

How do I support a depressed partner?

Supporting a depressed partner can take a significant toll on relationships and cause  loved ones to feel helpless, confused, frustrated, or fearful. Depression is a serious  mental health condition affecting millions of people worldwide each year and is  characterised by

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Willingness | How to Deal with a Miscarriage

How to Deal with a Miscarriage

Miscarriages are very common. Although everyone will have a different emotional  reaction to it, it is usually accompanied by intense grief and anyone who experiences it  would need care and support. Most of the time, early losses are also very

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Willingness | What Makes a Happy Relationship?

What Makes a Happy Relationship?

Whether you’ve been in a relationship before or this is your first. Here are five essential  factors for a happy relationship. 

1. Respect 

Respecting your partner does not only mean talking to them nicely in public but there  are many

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Willingness | 3 Relationship Killers

3 Relationship Killers

Relationships are part of our lives. Indeed, we are social beings and part of our fulfillment in life revolves around building meaningful relationships. Although we often hold on to relationships that are supportive, we can all experience moments where we

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