Borderline Personality disorder is a complex diagnosis that not everyone can understand well. Because of this, if you experience BPD you might find that some people have a negative image of it or hold misconceptions of you. If someone you care about such as a relative, friend or colleague feel this way about you, you might feel very upset and overwhelmed. However, it’s important to remember that you aren’t alone and that information and support is readily available.

There’s no clear reason as to why some people develop BPD. However, research shows that BPD might be caused by a combination of things, such as genetic factors and having difficulties in childhood and adolescence. People struggling with BPD are more likely to have had traumatic experiences or difficulties growing up, such as having a parent who struggles with a mental health problem, being neglected by parents, or losing a parent. Other difficulties might be chronic fear because of family instability, abuse, or distress because of inconsistent or unsupportive care. Even though these experiences might play a part in BPD, it is also important to understand that children who haven’t experienced such environmental traumas may still experience borderline personality disorder.


Claire is a gestalt psychotherapist at Willingness. She works with adolescents and adults. She has a special interest in mental health. She can be contacted on

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