If the pandemic has hit you jobwise, you might have much more time on your hands. Therefore it is important to use your time and energy wisely. Although you can’t control what happens to you, you can control how you respond to it. Below we will have a look at different things you can do, not to waste time and navigate the days ahead.
- Start a short course
Many public and private institutions offer different short courses, according to your interests and needs. Short courses provide additional skills which help not only to boost your career opportunities, but also enrich your knowledge.
Short courses range from those which focus on basic skills such as numeracy and literacy, to learning of new languages. Specific courses can be related to your line of work, while others can help you bring out your creative expression, such as art, cooking, photography and drama courses. Many courses are also currently being offered online.
- Attend webinars of interest
A webinar (web seminar) is a workshop, training session or presentation hosted online, where the viewer has the possibility to participate in real time. There is interaction between the person delivering the webinar and the participants.
Webinars are currently being organised about a vast range of topics. This is especially so as they are online, interactive and provide the possibility for two-way interaction. Since webinars are in real time, they can help increase your knowledge of latest trends and updates.
- Start a new hobby
Apart from helping you relax and thus reducing the possibility of burn-out, having a hobby helps create transferrable skills, which can be used in the world of work. These skills include creativity, patience and problem-solving.
- Embark on a new course of studies
Furthering your education helps you be more qualified, have better opportunities for financial security and provides better possibilities for career advancement. Furthermore, higher education provides a competitive edge as experience combined with education shows employers that you are motivated and driven.
The list of opportunities for formal courses is endless. Courses range according to sector, length of course and qualification levels. A lot of different learning methods are also available, such as in-class lectures, online learning and distance learning, to name the main ones.
As you find yourself with more free time, it is important to not waste time and take care of your mental health. Find your value, that is, what you are good at, what you care about and what you know/want to know. Focus on bettering yourself in ways that most suit you. Remember that learning something new will help boost your confidence, especially during these trying times.
Ann Julene Hili is a Career Guidance Practitioner with Willingness. She specializes in working with teens and young adults who are in their educational and career transitions. She can be contacted on an*******@wi*********.mtor call us on 79291817.
Mayo Clinic. 2020. COVID-19 and Unemployment: How to Cope. [online] Available at: <https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/in-depth/coping-with-unemployment/art20485976?fbclid=IwAR224DVf0PxGuCklVxONE2IKca_F3NXKdrZHnSl6pUzq49gDZg0U-AM4n8s>