Love Island is quite a controversial reality show, with people having different views and opinions about it and voicing them on social media. Although the final cash prize and the rise to fame are both real and the participants are in a controlled environment and being constantly filmed, I still believe that it provides a learning opportunity about relationships. The following are 8 lessons that I believe Love Island has taught us about relationships.

  1. Space for Bonding

Watching parents of adolescents or young adults might view this reality show as an opportunity to bond with their children who might still be living with them and get to know each other better. 

Several conversations might emerge out of it, especially regarding subjects that, normally, you wouldn’t have conversations about because you might feel uncomfortable or awkward. Parents might become more insightful into how their children think and whether their children find their parents’ insights and opinions useful in return. 

  1. Getting to know someone well provides the opportunity to identify the root of most relational problems.

The amount of time spent with the person on the show and conversations with one another might uncover several social problems, for instance, domestic violence, divorce, drug and alcohol abuse, dysfunctional family dynamics, low self-esteem, and parental relationships.

  1. Sometimes, we fall in love with the wrong people while taking for granted the people who are in love with us.

Choosing the right life partner is important, as it might be one of the most important decisions you will ever make. As much as the right person can make you, the wrong person can break you. Some people base their happiness on this one choice, which, strangely enough, we are not trained on as we are not taught about love and relationships.

  1. One shouldn’t realise that they have feelings for someone when they see them suffering.

This could be a form of revenge and your way to stop harbouring resentment as the other person could have hurt your feelings. However, showing others how you feel is not a sign of vulnerability, but shows that you are human and you feel hurt. 

  1. Growth areas in your past relationships might resurface when you’re with someone new, but it’s important to focus on what you can control: yourself.

Since old wounds are very likely to steal into relationships, it’s very important to stand up and give yourself the love you deserve. If you have been hurt in past relationships, don’t use your hurt or anger to keep power or control in the relationship; but find a better way to do things.

  1. Even if the person you like doesn’t like you back, you have to let it go and move on.

It is very tough when the person you like doesn’t like you; however, you need to do whatever it takes to move on. Not taking it personally, acknowledging your personal worth, and remembering that you don’t like every person who likes you help you move forward. Eventually, you might even realize that they were not right for you.

  1. Whatever happens, don’t take it hard on yourself.

One needs to learn to be comfortable even with the thought of not being with someone, even if others are. If you are too hard on yourself, you keep yourself from moving forward, and it’s possible to learn to stop it.

  1. After knowing yourself and what you want, you just need to hope for the best.

Take time to get to know yourself rather than working towards the goals that other people want for you, and you will go places. Ultimately, you need to be optimistic in life and never lose hope!

If you think that you can benefit from professional support on this issue you can reach out here.

Johanna Cutajar is a Master in Counselling graduate from the University of Malta. She works with children and adolescents as a counsellor within the education sector on a variety of issues including relationship issues, trauma, bereavement, transitions, and general mental health.


Spiteri, M. (2023). Let’s bring Love Island into the classroom. Retrieved from