Christmas and the New Year are just around the corner. It is finally that time of the year again! After indulging in all the Christmas goodies, the New year brings with it new beginnings. It is estimated that around 40 to 50 % of people make some sort of New year resolutions (M. Grohol, 2018). Although people are quick to make a list of resolutions that they swear to stick by, they often easily give up on these goals. You might start out super motivated at the start of the year, only to give up within the first few months. People who do not succeed in keeping a resolution are also likely to re-new that resolution for the next year, hoping this time it would be more successful. Some of the most common New year resolutions are losing weight, eating healthier, and getting fitter (Avena, 2015). There are many others, and some can get really creative!  

To come up with your new year resolutions, find some time to sit down quietly and think about all the areas in your life that might need a bit of improvement, such as family life, money, health and so on. Write down what needs to change so that you can feel more satisfied with that area of your life.

So what can you do differently this year so that you can better stick to these goals? Here are five tips to make it happen.

1. Be ready and willing to change
 The first step is that you have to be ready to change. Accept that certain sacrifices will need to be made in order to achieve your goal. And sometimes this will mean feeling uncomfortable or anxious. You must be ready to accept that these feelings may come along.

2. Have the knowledge

Prior to making any changes, try read up as much as possible about what you want to change. For example, if you want to quit smoking, read up on smoking cessation tips and other’s experiences.

3.  Smaller goals and fixing a deadline.

Turning your goal into smaller, simpler goals will help you not to feel overwhelmed with a big change. Smaller goals mean you will be hitting your targets much faster. Having a deadline also helps ensure you stick to your plan.

4. Be realistic

Be realistic about your goals. For example, if you are a heavy smoker, do not plan on quitting cold turkey. It will take time for the body to get used to less nicotine. Setting an impossible goal will pave the way for disappointment if you do not manage to reach it.

5.  Have support

Make sure you have people who respect the changes you want to make and are there to support you. Having someone to remind you of your final aim, and be there when things get a bit rough, can make all the difference!


Avena, N. (2015). New Year, New Plan!. Retrieved 28 November 2019, from

Collingwood, J. (2018). 10 Sure Ways to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions. Retrieved 28 November 2019, from

John M. Grohol, P. (2018). Why You Shouldn’t Give Up on Your New Year’s Resolutions. Retrieved 28 November 2019, from

Kimbrough, C. (2005). Be Smart about Making Your Resolutions Stick. [Ebook]. University of Nebraska Lincoln. Retrieved from

Becky Faenza is one of the Triage Officers that form part of the Triage Team with Willingness. She is a University graduate, with a B.A Degree in Philosophy and Psychology, and also a Higher Diploma in Psychology (H.DIP).