The pursuit of pleasure is a fundamental aspect of human nature, however, balancing pleasure with protection is essential in our sex lives. Practicing self-responsibility in your sex life ensures not only your own well-being, but also that of your partners. Being sexually responsible is not just about avoiding negative outcomes such as sexually transmitted infections (STI’s) or unwanted pregnancies, but also about enhancing the quality of your intimate relationships by building trust and mutual respect. 

Be responsible

Being responsible when it comes to your sex life involves being aware of your sexual health. Making informed decisions about contraception and protection, and communicating openly with your partner. Being well-informed about safe sex practices is an empowering and proactive way to combine safety with pleasure. Using condoms and dental dams, understanding the proper use of contraceptives, and regular STI testing are great ways to be responsible about your sexual health. Participating in honest discussions with trustworthy healthcare providers about your sexual history and practices can help with getting tailored advice and testing to meet your specific needs. Although these discussions can sometimes be uncomfortable to have, they are crucial for receiving the appropriate care and support. 

Open communication

Another aspect of being responsible when it comes to your sex life is having open and honest communication with your sexual partner. This includes discussing boundaries, preferences, and any health concerns that either of you might have. It is also important to note that consent is an ongoing conversation, and not a one-time agreement. Ensuring that both partners are comfortable and willing participants at every stage of intimacy is vital for a healthy sexual relationship. This kind of dialogue can significantly enhance intimacy and trust between partners. When it comes to STI’s, it is also important to understand the process and the implications of both positive and negative results. Being transparent with your partners about your STI status. As well as encouraging them to get tested as well creates a culture of mutual care and responsibility within the relationship.

The concept of protection with regards to sexual health extends beyond the physical. It also incorporates the emotional and psychological aspects of sexual health. Therefore, it is important that you take care of yourself in all these different aspects of sexual health. Check in with yourself and your sexual partner about how you are feeling before, during and after any sexual activity to further enhance intimacy and the overall quality of your relationship

In conclusion, taking control of your sexual health involves a combination of education, communication, and proactive measures. Make sure to have access to reliable sources of information and support networks to stay informed. This can help you to remain updated with knowledge on safe sex practices and the latest in contraceptive options. Encouraging and participating in ongoing dialogues about sexual health in your relationships helps in making consensual and informed decisions for everyone involved. By harnessing self-responsibility in your sex life, you can enjoy a more fulfilling, safer, and emotionally satisfying experience. 

If you think that you can benefit from professional support on this issue you can reach out here.

Pamela Borg is a counsellor who enjoys working therapeutically with adults experiencing various issues. These include general mental health and wellbeing, gender, sexuality, relationship issues. 


Diaz, G. (2023). Safe and Enjoyable Sex: Empowering Intimacy with Responsibility. Retrieved from:

Gleim, D. (2020). Sexual Responsibility: It’s What’s Sexy. Retrieved from:

Smart Sex Resource (2024). Pleasure and Safer Sex. Retrieved from:

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