Willingness | STDs - Is-Sess Dokumentarju Episodju 2

STDs – Is-Sess Dokumentarju Episodju 2

Fit-tieni episodju ta’ Is-Sess, il-professjonisti jiddiskutu kif tipo STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) jistghu jigu trasmessi, il-livell ta’ riskju li jġorru magħhom tipi differenti t’atti sesswali u l-prewkazzjonijiet li għandhom jittieħdu.

Willingness | I will not get COVID-19!

I will not get COVID-19!

It won’t happen to me! I will not get it! I am not at high risk!

Unfortunately, this is an idea we have been probably feeding ourselves over and over since COVID-19 has been declared as a pandemic by WHO. … Read more

Willingness | Spirituality and Mental Health

Spirituality and Mental Health

There are as many ways to define spirituality as there are individuals to experience it. Spirituality is the balance that we achieve between introspection and connection. This means that the heart of spirituality is linked to our mental and emotional … Read more

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