Willingness | Does Music Help Kids Study?

Does Music Help Kids Study?

When reading from different sources about the benefits of music on academic  performance, one can quickly conclude that music has a positive effect on our health  and academic performance. Both aspects of music- listening to music when studying  and learning … Read more

Willingness | Fitness 101 for Busy Bodies

Fitness 101 for Busy Bodies

When our schedule becomes too busy, working out tends to be put on the back burner. It becomes too difficult to continue our consistent exercise routine because everything else seems to be just more important. However, keeping a regular exercise Read more

Willingness | How do I support a depressed partner?

How do I support a depressed partner?

Supporting a depressed partner can take a significant toll on relationships and cause  loved ones to feel helpless, confused, frustrated, or fearful. Depression is a serious  mental health condition affecting millions of people worldwide each year and is  characterised by … Read more

Willingness | Death anxiety and how to deal with it

Death anxiety and how to deal with it

It is very common for people to experience some anxiety around death. However, for  some people, thinking about death or dying can trigger heightened anxiety, also known  as death anxiety. People may also fear separation, dealing with a loss, or … Read more

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