Willingness | Should we stay together for the sake of children?

Should we stay together for the sake of children?

One aspect preventing parents from taking action or addressing conflict is the presence  of their children. There would be an added worry about how a drastic decision might  affect the children (which differs from if the parents were childless). 

The … Read more

Willingness | Vitamin C: The Mental Health Vitamin

Vitamin C: The Mental Health Vitamin

Vitamin C is an essential component for healthy brain functioning. Research reports that people who feel fatigued, depressed, or experience a period where their mood is low, found that when they increased their intake of vitamin C to the recommended … Read more

Willingness | Balance & Elderly: The Benefits

Balance & Elderly: The Benefits

As the population ages, several studies document how ageing affects the physical body. Various systems will be affected, including the muscular & nervous systems, which are significant components of movement & balance. These changes might cause the elderly to increase … Read more

Willingness | Why am I such a people pleaser?

Why am I such a people pleaser?

People pleasing is the act of putting someone else’s needs above your own, which  comes from the need to constantly please or appease others. This happens even at the  expense of your own needs, values, beliefs and wants, which would … Read more

Willingness | Gender Constructs: Anima and Animus

Gender Constructs: Anima and Animus

The topics of gender, femininity and masculinity have always been interesting topics for  both genders. This is even more so when both men and women were trying, more than  ever, to understand themselves. Especially when there was a re-examination of … Read more

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