Willingness | 5 lesser known health benefits of veggies

5 lesser known health benefits of veggies

Everybody knows vegetables are good for you. You can probably name some of these benefits right now! They help you grow big and strong, give you energy, and give you the nutrients your body needs. However, there are other benefits … Read more

Willingness | An Open Letter to Infertile Couples

An Open Letter to Infertile Couples

Infertility is usually defined as having no pregnancy after a year of unprotected regular intercourse.

Sometimes you may feel this hidden or open feeling of anger toward your partner with infertility problems. On the other hand, the partner with infertility … Read more

Willingness | 6 things you need to know, if you have PCOS

6 things you need to know, if you have PCOS

So, you have been diagnosed with PCOS and are still unsure about what it means exactly? Don’t worry you are not alone! It can be challenging to live with PCOS but learning more about the condition and how it affects … Read more

Willingness | Living with Parkinson’s Disease

Living with Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s is now the second most common neurodegenerative disorder – about 1 in 500 people are affected by this disease. In other words: the likelihood of having this disorder impacting your brain capacity is growing more and more. 

Perhaps you … Read more

Willingness | The Do and Don’ts of Co-Parenting

The Do and Don’ts of Co-Parenting

Co-parenting is the more or less equal sharing of parenting responsibilities by guardians after divorce. It is always a challenge for ex-partners with kids to continue being present in their child’s life while avoiding the conflicts and complications as much … Read more

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