Willingness | Body Anxiety in Summer

Body Anxiety in Summer

People may think of summer and look forward to the idea of the warm weather, barbeques, holidays, parties, and time with loved ones. Yet, for others, summer can bring about a great deal of apprehension. Especially when having to decide … Read more

Willingness | The Do and Don’ts of Co-Parenting

The Do and Don’ts of Co-Parenting

Co-parenting is the more or less equal sharing of parenting responsibilities by guardians after divorce. It is always a challenge for ex-partners with kids to continue being present in their child’s life while avoiding the conflicts and complications as much … Read more

Willingness | It’s just a little crush

It’s just a little crush

Have you ever had those little butterflies in your stomach whenever you think of or are around a person that you like? Do you constantly think about this person and wait for a notification on your phone from them? Well, … Read more

Willingness | Does my ADHD make it harder to quit smoking?

Does my ADHD make it harder to quit smoking?

What is ADHD and how does ADHD affect me? 

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a behavioral condition that makes focusing on everyday requests and routines demanding (1). Living with this disorder, you might experience that daily challenges like getting organized, staying … Read more

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