Willingness | Chronic Pain is so Painful…

Chronic Pain is so Painful…

How difficult is it to live with chronic pain? How taxing is it for someone to have to carry the full weight of a chronic issue, which may have been ongoing for years, and which may have changed their lives

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Willingness | Kif jista’ fiżjoterapista jgħin fid-dijabete?

Kif jista’ fiżjoterapista jgħin fid-dijabete?

Id-dijabete hija waħda mill-kundizzjonijiet komuni madwar id-dinja, speċjalment fil-gżejjer Maltin. L-aħħar stħarriġ li sar mis-saħħa pubblika, jsostni li kważi 10% tal-popolazzjoni Maltija ‘il fuq minn 18-il sena jbatu minn din il-kundizzjoni. Id-dijabete hija deskritta bħala kundizzjoni kronika fejn:

  1. Il-frixa (bl-Ingliż
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Willingness | How does a physiotherapist help with hypertension?

How does a physiotherapist help with hypertension?

According to the World Health Organisation, hypertension is considered one of the most common cardiac severe conditions. Hypertension does not show any symptoms in its early stages. However, it is responsible for some of the most painful diseases affecting the

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Willingness | What is Speech Therapy?

What is Speech Therapy?

Speech and language therapy assists individuals who may be experiencing challenges related to speech, language and communication as well as feeding and literacy difficulties. Literature indicates that this form of therapy is effective when interaction with clients is paired with

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Willingness | Speech and Language Therapy Myths Debunked

Speech and Language Therapy Myths Debunked

Myth 1: Speech and language therapy is just about play

Speech and language therapy is often associated with a therapist who plays with children. Whilst this is true in the sense that speech and language therapy often involves play-based activities,

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Willingness | 6 Tips to Manage Your “IBS”

6 Tips to Manage Your “IBS”

In its simplest definition, “Irritable Bowel Syndrome” is a chronic disease characterized by chronic abdominal pain, bloating, and abnormal bowel movements. This is seen in approximately 15% of the world’s population. In addition, symptoms directly related to the excretory system,

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Willingness | 10 Foods That Fuel Your Brain

10 Foods That Fuel Your Brain

Food is a very important aspect of our lives. It does not only supply us with energy and nutrients for growth, cellular repair and immunity, but it is also important for our brain functions. The brain controls all the processes

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Willingness | Kif jista’ fiżjoterapista jgħin fil-fibromyalgia?

Kif jista’ fiżjoterapista jgħin fil-fibromyalgia?

Il-fibromyalgia hija kundizzjoni li ġabet popolarita’ f’dawn l-aħħar żminijiet. Ir-rata ta’ nies li jbatu minn fibromyalgia qed tiżdied drastikament, b’disgħa mitt persuna jbatu minn dil-kundizzjoni f’Malta biss skont l-aħħar stħarriġ. Din il-kundizzjoni kronika hija kkarateriżata minn uġigħ kontinwu f’diversi partijiet

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