Willingness | Your Brain on drugs: MDMA

Your Brain on drugs: MDMA

Ecstasy, 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine or Molly are common names for the synthetic hallucinogenic drug widely known as MDMA. What does it do? Similar to other recreational drugs, MDMA causes euphoria and very distinct “prosocial effects”: MDMA makes its users feel like they … Read more

Willingness | Your Brain on Drugs: Cocaine

Your Brain on Drugs: Cocaine

Cocaine is a drug derived from the leaves of coca plant which is native to South America and is snorted, smoked or injected (“Commonly Used Drugs Charts | National Institute on Drug Abuse”, 2020). It is known as a social … Read more

Willingness | High Blood Pressure and Diet

High Blood Pressure and Diet

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is very common in Malta, affecting 1 in 5 adults. If left
untreated, it increases the risk of heart attacks and stroke, as well as kidney and eye damage.
Although hypertension can develop as our … Read more

Willingness | How Can a Dietitian Help You Lose Weight?

How Can a Dietitian Help You Lose Weight?

Losing weight can be challenging, but what is even more challenging is maintaining a healthier weight. A dietitian will help you in your weight loss journey by showing you how you can get started and most importantly how you can … Read more

Willingness | Chronic Pain is so Painful…

Chronic Pain is so Painful…

How difficult is it to live with chronic pain? How taxing is it for someone to have to carry the full weight of a chronic issue, which may have been ongoing for years, and which may have changed their lives … Read more

Willingness | Kif jista’ fiżjoterapista jgħin fid-dijabete?

Kif jista’ fiżjoterapista jgħin fid-dijabete?

Id-dijabete hija waħda mill-kundizzjonijiet komuni madwar id-dinja, speċjalment fil-gżejjer Maltin. L-aħħar stħarriġ li sar mis-saħħa pubblika, jsostni li kważi 10% tal-popolazzjoni Maltija ‘il fuq minn 18-il sena jbatu minn din il-kundizzjoni. Id-dijabete hija deskritta bħala kundizzjoni kronika fejn:

  1. Il-frixa (bl-Ingliż
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