Willingness | 3 ways to Connect with Nature

3 ways to Connect with Nature

If we look closely, we notice that the raw and pure elements of the world are around us. Being in touch with nature is a great way to relax and connect with ourselves. The history and evolution of humanity has … Read more

Willingness | Fears Vs. Phobias

Fears Vs. Phobias

Fear is one of the seven universal emotions that are experienced by everyone around the world. Fear happens when there is threat of harm, either physical, emotional, psychological, real or imagined. Traditionally people considered fear as a “negative” emotion, when in fact fear … Read more

Willingness | What does Depression feel like?

What does Depression feel like?

One of the common misunderstandings about depression is that it’s feeling sad or just down. Although, people with depression feel sadness, it feels much more intense than sadness. Another misconception is believing that being depressed is a choice, or that … Read more

Willingness | How Can Mindfulness Help You?

How Can Mindfulness Help You?

Mindfulness means being fully present in the here and now; you’re aware of where you are and what you’re doing in the moment. This definition of mindfulness makes it seem pretty straightforward, and it would be, except that we rarely … Read more

Willingness | Nightmares: Do they Mean Something?

Nightmares: Do they Mean Something?

Sleep is a very important contributor to human functioning. It is the charging function to restore the energy levels that fall during the day. It is known to reduce stress, depression, improve memory and allow an adequate amount of time … Read more

Willingness | 5 reasons people quit therapy prematurely

5 reasons people quit therapy prematurely

Terminating therapy prematurely happens with both newly warranted therapists as well as well-established ones. In fact, psychologist Michael J Lambert carried out a study which found that 25% to 50% of clients don’t return after the first session; some cancel … Read more

Willingness | 6 Resources to help me cope better

6 Resources to help me cope better

The fact that you have survived so far, to be sitting here reading this, means that you’ve already formed some ways of coping. Even if this current way of coping has its downsides like anxiety, isolation, addiction, or depression, you … Read more

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