Xi kultant, meta relazzjoni tiġi fi tmiemha, kemm it-tfajla kif ukoll il-ġuvni jħossu li dik id-deċiżjoni kienet l-aħjar ħaġa li setgħu għamlu. Madanakollu, dan mhuwiex dejjem il-każ għax, jekk int kont dik il-persuna li r-relazzjoni ma xtaqthiex tispiċċa, wisq probabbli … Read more
Dating After Covid-19
For many among us, the pandemic has brought with it a sense of solitude as we have been forced to be away from our families, friends and other important people in our lives. A lot of people may feel as … Read more
5 Ways to Reignite Your Relationship
Falling in love is easy; it’s something new which makes you feel excited and passionate. The issue is staying in love which is a completely different matter altogether. The word ‘forever’ can seem like a pretty long time when the … Read more
L-infedeltà tbeżżgħani wisq!
Ieqaf għal ftit u staqsi lilek innifsek: “L-infedeltà tbeżżgħani?” jew “Ġieli kelli ħsibijiet ta’ dan it-tip?” Biżgħat kulħadd ikollu u hemm mitt elf ħaġa minn xiex wieħed jista’ jibża’. Uħud mill-biżgħat li nesperjenzaw f’ħajjitna huma relatati ma’ xi tip ta’ … Read more
Kemm ilek ma tagħmel ‘date’ mal-partner?
Meta koppja tibda ssir taf lil xulxin, tinvesti ħafna ħin fil-bidu. Umbagħad jibdew għaddejjin ix-xhur u l-koppja tikkommetti ruħha għal relazzjoni. Minkejja li il-koppja tkun ikkommettiet ruħha għar-relazzjoni ma jfissirx li issa nieħdu lil xulxin ‘for granted’ għaliex kull relazzjoni … Read more
Why boundaries are important and how to set them
Our boundaries are built from a mixture of our thoughts, attitudes, experiences, opinions and beliefs. They define who we are as individuals and what we like or don’t like. They set the foundation of how you want to be treated … Read more
My Daughter is Marrying a Woman
Parenting can be tough, there is no debate about that. It is normal that as your children grow up, you start imagining their future and start to have a specific ideal for how you wish their life to be. However, … Read more
We can’t agree on a parenting style
When two become parents, it’s a bundle of joy but we all know that the role of becoming a parent comes with its challenges as well. First of all, kids are not all the same and though kids would still … Read more
Attachment Styles and How They Impact Relationships
Attachment is described as the emotional bond you form with your primary caregiver as an infant. According to the psychiatrist John Bowlby and psychologist Mary Ainsworth, who pioneered the attachment theory, the first relationship we form as infants determines the … Read more
Do Opposites Really Attract?
The answer to whether opposites actually attract is a complicated one. When the statement is applied to the scientific notion of magnetism, it is definitely correct. However, when it comes to relationships, things get more complicated. So, how correct is … Read more