Willingness | What can I do to ease a breakup?

What can I do to ease a breakup?

When two individuals decide to breakup, there tends to be quite a buildup of negative tension amongst the couple. During this period, there might be feelings of resentment or disappointment towards one another. This might make the couple feel as

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Willingness | Inħossni miġbuda lejn missier l-għarus

Inħossni miġbuda lejn missier l-għarus

Ili noħroġ mal-għarus kważi sena, u ftit xhur ilu ġejt mistiedna għand il-familja tiegħu għax xtaq ilaqqani magħhom. Kont naqra skomda għall-ewwel pero ħassejtni aċċettata u komda magħhom, kważi wisq komda. Jien u missieru partikolarment mal-ewwel klikkjajna, bħallikieku kien xi

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Willingness | Being a 'Dream Detective'

Being a ‘Dream Detective’

In a healthy relationship, it is important to share your hopes and dreams with your partner in order to deepen your understanding of each other and your connection. According to the Gottman institute, there are some open ended questions you

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