Willingness | Marriage, Gender and Masturbation

Marriage, Gender and Masturbation

Masturbation is often a taboo issue that’s usually associated with pre-pubescent teenage boys.  People don’t usually picture a husband and father when masturbation comes up.  The idea that entering a healthy sexual relationship as an adult satisfies all sexual needs

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Willingness | What causes sexual problems?

What causes sexual problems?

Sexual difficulties can begin early in a person’s life or might develop all of a sudden, even after the person has had enjoyable sexual relations in the past. The causes of sexual difficulties can be physical, psychological or even both.

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Willingness | Why millennials stopped having sex 2/2

Why millennials stopped having sex 2/2

In previous blog ‘Why millennials stopped having sex 1/2’ we discussed about today’s teenagers tendency to have less sex than the youth of previous generations. Here are several possible reasons why Millennials became sexually inactive:

1# Millennials are putting off

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Willingness | Why millennials stopped having sex 1/2

Why millennials stopped having sex 1/2

These days popular media often assume that young people belong to the hookup generation. In other words, the majority of people think that Millennials often have casual sexual intercourse like one-night stands, which focus more on physical pleasure without necessarily

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Willingness | Is pornography harmful for a relationship?

Is pornography harmful for a relationship?

Porn-usage amongst people in relationships is a common practice.  It’s become even more pervasive, more affordable, more anonymous and easier to access than ever before. In some cases it’s viewed discretely while in other cases it’s openly-enjoyed without any guilt

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Willingness | Mhux qed indum kemm nixtieq

Mhux qed indum kemm nixtieq

Jien ġuvni u ili xi tliet xhur f’relazzjoni ma tfajla li toġobni ħafna. Għalkemm toġobni ħafna qed ninduna li meta nkunu intimi ma xulxin ma tantx qed indum u qed nibża li lilha mhux qed nissodisfha. Din m’hijiex l-ewwel relazzjoni

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Willingness | Nobgħod nikxef żaqqi

Nobgħod nikxef żaqqi

Jiena raġel ta’ 40 sena u ili miżżewweġ xi 6 snin issa ma mara li nħobb ħafna. Meta kont iżgħar kont nittrennja u nista’ ngħid li kelli ġisem pero kemm ili li żżewwiġt, ħabba raġuni jew oħra, naqqast fl-attivita’ fiżika

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