Willingness | Sexting: Tips & Facts

Sexting: Tips & Facts

Sexting has become quite popular lately, due to it’s increasing evidence on prevalence, correlating factors, and predictors of sexting among both teens and young adults. It has been established through numerous empirical studies that sexting is a fairly commonplaceRead more

Willingness | Can music improve your sex life?

Can music improve your sex life?

Let’s be real, everyone knows that music affects our mood. Music has been proven to influence the mind in ways that we don’t even know yet. Some of us say we can’t live without music (each person would have a … Read more

Willingness | Cinsel Terapi Nedir?

Cinsel Terapi Nedir?

Cinsel terapi, cinsel işlev bozukluklarını veya bireylerin yaşadığı cinsel problemleri tedavi etmeyi amaçlayan, bu süreçte bir dizi farklı metot, teknik ve yöntem kullanan bir psikoterapi biçimidir. Cinsel terapi genellikle cinsel sağlık ve ilişki sağlığı ile ilgili konularda ileri düzeyde eğitim … Read more

Willingness | What exactly is an orgasm?

What exactly is an orgasm?

Some have stated that orgasms are indescribable and undefinable, but also some gave it a try for its definition in the past:

“The expulsive discharge of neuromuscular tensions at the peak of sexual response.” – Kinsey and colleagues, 1953

“A Read more

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