Willingness | Il-mara moħħha biex tesperimenta

Il-mara moħħha biex tesperimenta

Jiena raġel ilni miżżewweġ lill-mara issa fuq 10 snin u din l-aħħar sena ma nafx għaliex taha li meta jkollna x’naqsmu flimkien dejjem trid jew tagħmel xi ħaġa ġdida jew inkella tuża xi sex toy. Nammetti meta fil-bidu ġiet Read more

Willingness | Sexual consent Part 2/2

Sexual consent Part 2/2

In the last blog I began to discuss some very important points when it comes to sexual consent. It is important to remember that sexual consent is always explicit, you can always change your mind at any point, and only Read more

Willingness | Sexual Consent Part 1/2

Sexual Consent Part 1/2

In this time of the #MeToo movement, we need to talk about sexual consent in an open and firm way. In a nutshell, sexual consent is when you and your partner both agree to have sex. There are a few Read more

Willingness | Survivors of Suicide Part 2/2

Survivors of Suicide Part 2/2

An amount of individuals find it difficult to resolve their issues of grief and develop a complicated grief reaction. 10% to 20% of bereaved individuals tend to develop complicated grief. Complicated grief is a bereavement reaction which prolongs acute grief. Read more

Willingness | Survivors of Suicide Part 1/2

Survivors of Suicide Part 1/2

The experience of a suicide survivor, who lost a loved one to suicide, is an extremely traumatic and painful experience. During such an experience shock and disbelief are generally the initial reactions.

Problems which may exacerbate issues:

  • Destructive coping strategies
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Willingness | Bilfors irid ikolli x’naqsam miegħu?

Bilfors irid ikolli x’naqsam miegħu?

Jiena ġuvni u qiegħed noħroġ ma’ wieħed bħalissa li nikklikkja vera sew miegħu, tant li qed nibda’ naħseb li fl-aħħar forsi sibt lil xi ħadd ma’ min jista’ jkolli relazzjoni sinifikanti. Jiena pero’ m’għandix wisq esperjenza fejn jidħlu relazzjonijiet mentri Read more

Willingness | Foster a Grandparent!

Foster a Grandparent!

Grandparents can be a special part of one’s extended family. They can be support systems for the working parents, and they can be role models or mentors to their grandchildren. After all, grandparents are imbued with years upon years of Read more

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