Willingness | Making memories

Making memories

It is not news to read, hear or even complain about how many may sometimes struggle with keeping up with our fast paced and busy lives. It could be that we work long hours, we are engaged in studies and … Read more

Willingness | Building resilience in children

Building resilience in children

Resilience is the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress such as: family and relationship problems, serious health problems, workplace and financial stressors. Resilience is not a quality which you … Read more

Willingness | Different ways to resolve a conflict

Different ways to resolve a conflict

“We can agree to disagree”. Ever heard that statement before? As human beings it’s only natural that we do not always agree with each other. In the different interactions that we have, conflicts may easily arise. This can happen in … Read more

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