How comfortable are we with silence

How comfortable are we with silence? We are continuously inundated with noise: traffic, music, people talking, television blaring. On the news, we see human tragedy unfold: terrorism, murder, war, racism, hatred…All this information, coupled with the difficulties we face in … Read more

Willingness | Are my feelings normal?

Are my feelings normal?

Very often clients ask me: “Is it normal how I feel?” or “Am I being normal?”. 99% of the time, my answer is “Yes”. I think everybody has the right to have feelings and thoughts, whether they are positive or … Read more

Willingness | FoMO - Part 1 of 2

FoMO – Part 1 of 2

Have you heard of one of the latest phenomenons around? FoMO? FoMO is short for fear of missing out.. but missing out from what?


Do you find yourself scrolling through your social media all the time? Do you go … Read more

Willingness | Broken Heart

Broken Heart

Have you ever experienced a broken heart? Maybe because your relationship came to and end, or your best friend ended the friendship? Whatever the reason was, most probably you felt sad, hopeless, angry, depressed….

Did you know a broken heart … Read more

Willingness | "I know what (s)he thinks!"

“I know what (s)he thinks!”

No two people experience the world in the same way. Everyone has his or her own  particular picture or model of the way things are. Having this said, I often meet couples that know exactly what their partner thinks or … Read more

Willingness | A guide to self-care

A guide to self-care

Do you find yourself taking care of your children, parents, friends and colleagues much more than you take care of yourself?  In our busy lives we have many responsibilities and sometimes we forget that taking care of ourselves is just … Read more

Willingness | A look at Domestic Violence : Victims Perspective

A look at Domestic Violence : Victims Perspective

Following the previous DV blog individuals who experience domestic violence might start to rationalise that they deserved this type of treatment from the partner, especially if there was persistent emotional abuse. Following this perception, the victim might continually feel as … Read more

Willingness | A look at Domestic Violence

A look at Domestic Violence

When a family unit experiences domestic violence, it creates an aura of darkness which surrounds the family unit as the individuals within the unit have been directly affected by this behaviour, irrespective if it happened just once or multiple times. … Read more

Willingness | Can long distance relationships work?

Can long distance relationships work?

When you see your partner regularly it’s easy to take them for granted. You can see each other every day, live in the same house and not have a meaningful conversation for a very long time. On the other hand, … Read more

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