I never thought I would do it… Part 2 of 2

A couples of months back Willingness had the pleasure of bringing Professor Mehmet Sungur to our island who is a renowned Sex Therapist and Professor of Psychiatry for a workshop regarding the topic of infidelity. Recently I found myself pondering … Read more

I never thought I would do it… – Part 1 of 2

Recently I found myself reflecting on the notion of infidelity. This is by no means an easy topic for anyone to discuss due to its implications on their relationship with their partner or spouse. Despite the way individuals perceive infidelity, … Read more

A look at Domestic Violence: Gender

Working within the field of domestic violence, one notices that the overarching majority of clients have tended to be female clients. Even if one had to do a quick google image search one will realise that the way in which … Read more

A look at DV: Aggressor

Following the previous blog, a concept which is perhaps often not given enough attention in situations of DV is the aggressor, which like the victim could be of either gender. By no means am I condoning the behaviour of aggressors … Read more

Change: Why don’t we like it?

“I don’t like changes.” Familiar? A lot of us don’t like changes, we rather continue with what we are doing/good at. What is it, that makes us resist change?

Let’s have a look at the reasons for change. One reason … Read more


“Boredom is not a problem to be solved. It’s the last privilege of a free mind.” Gayatri Devi once said.

Have you ever realised that boredom is a privilege? I once did, but as time passed by I forgot that … Read more

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