Willingness | Virtual Infidelity

Virtual Infidelity

Infidelity can be understood as a violation of the relationship agreement, broken trust and the threat of hindering the attachment to the partner. Infidelity can be emotional, sexual or as lately being researched virtual.

Virtual infidelity can be defined as … Read more

Willingness | Areas of Psychology - Part 3 of 3

Areas of Psychology – Part 3 of 3

With this blog, we will finish dealing with the main areas of psychology. There’s no time to waste, so let’s jump in!


  1. Health Psychology

Health psychologists’ main concern is to boost people’s health both in the short and long-term. … Read more

Willingness | Areas of Psychology - Part 2 of 3

Areas of Psychology – Part 2 of 3

As promised in the previous blog, this blog will discuss some other intriguing areas that constitute psychology.

Let’s continue!


  1. Clinical Psychology

Clinical Psychology includes the assessment and treatment of mental illnesses and psychiatric problems such as depression, bipolar disorder, … Read more

Willingness | Communication - Part 2

Communication – Part 2

Adam and Georgette who have been together for about 25 years.  Sex is not satisfying for either one of them and therefore they decided to see a sex therapist.  During the first session they were asked what they thought was … Read more

Willingness | Communication - Part 1 of 4

Communication – Part 1 of 4

Communication is key to a successful relationship. We’ve all heard that one before. The truth of the matter is that communication is key to be successful in every part of life – for a successful working life, a successful family … Read more

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