Emotional invalidation occurs when our thoughts, feelings, or behaviours are either judged, dismissed, minimised, or rejected. Being told that “it could be worse”, “just let it go”, or “you shouldn’t feel that way” are all examples of emotionally invalidating statements. … Read more
Keeping off Winter Weight: 8 ways to stay fit in the colder months
During the winter months, many of us tend to gain a few more kilos than we’d like. The colder weather makes for cosy nights with loads of comfort foods and no motivation to go out into the cold and exercise. … Read more
7 Ways to Prepare Yourself for a Long-Distance Relationship
For all types of relationships to be successful and happy relationships, both people involved need to make an effort and invest their time. Long-distance relationships may require a little bit more of an effort to succeed but it is far … Read more
Why do I worry so much about my sexual performance?
Have you ever felt anxious before performing a task in front of people? It is pretty common and normal for people to feel worried before or during performing a certain task. It can be very stressful for some people to … Read more
Can divorce be prevented?
Divorce and separation have become more prevalent in our society in general. Not only has this become a more socially acceptable act between two partners, but its frequency is said to have increased as well around Europe. For example, if … Read more
Understanding Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a complex, long-term disorder marked by extreme fatigue or tiredness that does not improve with rest and its aetiology and prognosis are not fully understood. Chronic fatigue syndrome is characterized by severe and medically unexplainable fatigue … Read more
The Orgasm Gap
“The orgasm gap” is a phrase used to describe a difference in orgasm frequencies between the individuals in a sexual relationship – in other words, one person has more orgasms than the other.
Most of us will, at some point, … Read more
Covid and giving yourself permission to feel
Give yourself permission to feel. Yes, it might sound simple but often to not the most obvious and simple things are what we need in life. Everyone has experienced some sort of discomfort during the pandemic and when we try … Read more
Post Covid Stress Disorder: An Emerging Phenomenon
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused more than 5.6 million deaths reported worldwide to date. Aside from the death toll, the pandemic has triggered significant emotional, physical, and economic problems around the world. The pandemic has led to diverse mental health problems … Read more
Kif jista’ fiżjoterapista jgħin fid-dijabete?
Id-dijabete hija waħda mill-kundizzjonijiet komuni madwar id-dinja, speċjalment fil-gżejjer Maltin. L-aħħar stħarriġ li sar mis-saħħa pubblika, jsostni li kważi 10% tal-popolazzjoni Maltija ‘il fuq minn 18-il sena jbatu minn din il-kundizzjoni. Id-dijabete hija deskritta bħala kundizzjoni kronika fejn:
- Il-frixa (bl-Ingliż