Willingness | My parents keep pressuring me to get married

My parents keep pressuring me to get married

The parent-child relationship is one of the most long-lasting and emotionally intense social ties. Parents continue to influence children’s well-being well into their adulthood, and although often positive and supportive, such relationships may be characterised by feelings of irritation, tension … Read more

Willingness | How to Survive a Family Holiday

How to Survive a Family Holiday

It is that time of year – the school calendar has ended and the summer holiday season is about to start.  Many are those who like to plan a summer holiday, knowing the benefits of spending time together as a … Read more

Willingness | The struggles of fatherhood - Part 2 of 2

The struggles of fatherhood – Part 2 of 2

This second part of the blog shall continue delving into some of the experiences of fatherhood that might be challenging. I would like to note that such experiences are subjective and do not reflect what all fathers go through. However, … Read more

Willingness | The struggles of fatherhood - Part 1 of 2

The struggles of fatherhood – Part 1 of 2

Finding out that you’re going to become a father can bring up many different thoughts and emotions. Even though most books, media programmes and seminars about parenthood generally tend to focus on the mother, fathers too may struggle and experience … Read more

Willingness | I am a single father

I am a single father

If you have been a single father for a while or whether it’s a recent transition, researchers have identified the following struggles which single fathers may experience:

  • Overwhelmed, stressed and arguments with partners
  • Isolation, loneliness and dating
  • Lifestyle choices

Overwhelmed, Read more

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