Willingness | 5 Tips for Men’s Health

5 Tips for Men’s Health

We have often noticed that men tend to ignore their health and wellbeing and they hardly prioritize taking care of themselves. At times there can be serious consequences for those and at times it can lead to feeling not the … Read more

Willingness | How can a dietitian help with diabetes?

How can a dietitian help with diabetes?

Dietitians form part of the healthcare team that provides help to individuals of any age who might have type 1, type 2, or even gestational diabetes (high blood sugar during pregnancy). How much your blood sugar is controlled would depend … Read more

Willingness | 5 Self Care Tips for Junior Doctors

5 Self Care Tips for Junior Doctors

Being a healthcare provider can be both a challenging and rewarding experience. Looking after people and caring for their lives can be quite a satisfying thing. However, it is equally important that healthcare providers look after themselves too. 

It can … Read more

Willingness | The Struggle of Being Obese in Corona Times

The Struggle of Being Obese in Corona Times

The COVID-19 pandemic has messed up our lives, and there is probably no one who does not agree. Living with Corona measures and frequent lockdown periods is challenging, as it puts a whole lot of stress on us. Especially the … Read more

Willingness | I struggle with PMS every month

I struggle with PMS every month

Premenstrual syndrome (or PMS) is a condition that can affect a woman’s physical health, emotions and behaviours during certain days in her menstrual cycle. The symptoms usually start around a week before menstruation, and typically go away once menstruation begins. … Read more

Willingness | 3 ways to improve your sleep

3 ways to improve your sleep

Many of us have heard about how a good sleep is so important for our wellbeing, especially because of how it impacts both our physical as well as our mental health. Yet, experiencing problems that are related to having a … Read more

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