Willingness | Fibromyalgia and My Body Image

Fibromyalgia and My Body Image

Fibromyalgia is a musculoskeletal disorder, occurring in 2% of individuals, and sometimes more common among women than men. This condition increases with age and it is associated with fatigue, pain, sleep and mood issues. According to the MayoClinic, this condition … Read more

Willingness | How can a psychologist ease my chronic pain?

How can a psychologist ease my chronic pain?

It’s not common knowledge on how psychologists can help people with chronic pain and physical health in general. However, there’s an entire field of psychology, known as health psychology, that is all about how our biology, psychology, behaviour and social … Read more

Willingness | Get a handle on your chronic pain

Get a handle on your chronic pain

Chronic pain impacts one’s physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and can have an impact on your body, thoughts and mood. However, there are many things that you can do to control and manage your pain better. Remember that you are … Read more

Willingness | Il-ħin kollu nibża li għandi xi marda..

Il-ħin kollu nibża li għandi xi marda..

Inti persuna li tibża ħafna mil-mard? Malli jkollok xi tip ta’ sintomu tmur tiġri tiċċekja biex tara li kollox sew? Jew inkella tibża wisq tmur għand tabib għaliex ha jagħtik aħbar ħażina?

Mintiex waħdek, hawn ħafna nies li jħossuhom bħalek, … Read more

Willingness | Coping with a food intolerance

Coping with a food intolerance

Developing a food intolerance or allergy during adulthood is a life-changer. Your carefree diet goes down the drain and now you must be careful to check everything you eat. This is a life-changer not just for the individual but also … Read more

Willingness | 4 Benefits of Green Spaces on our Health

4 Benefits of Green Spaces on our Health

We live in an urbanising world whereby cities and population denisties are growing and taking over the green spaces which are very well needed. Various studies and research show that green spaces greatly benefit our mental health and well-being.

A … Read more

Willingness | Living with Diabetes

Living with Diabetes

Diabetes is a metabolic condition related to the hormone insulin and how it regulates blood sugars in the body. Blood sugar which is not regulated can damage a person’s nerves, eyes, kidneys, and other organs. This is a serious medical … Read more

Willingness | 5 Ways Traffic Affects us

5 Ways Traffic Affects us

Malta is one of the most traffic congested places in Europe, and this problem has been around for quite some time now. Most probably, many of us who drive encounter this on a daily basis, and not just during rush … Read more

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