Willingness | What is Guilt?

What is Guilt?

Guilt is a feeling of ‘doing wrong’ which is associated with a particular action. This particular ‘wrong’ action has been judged negatively by ourselves and/or by others around us which form a part of the group we belong to. The … Read more

Willingness | Coping with Trauma

Coping with Trauma

In very simple terms, trauma is the response to a distressing or disturbing event that overwhelms a person’s ability to cope. This causes feelings of helplessness and shatters their sense of self and ability to feel particular emotions and experiences. … Read more

Willingness | Therapist Burnout

Therapist Burnout

It’s strange to think that therapists can experience a burnout. Aren’t we the ones who are supposed to be full of never-ending patience and empathy? Aren’t we the masters of maintaining healthy relationships and our own self-care? This is after … Read more

Willingness | What’s the difference between OCD & OCPD?

What’s the difference between OCD & OCPD?

There is a common misconception between the terms OCD and OCPD. However, one stands for obsessive compulsive disorder and the other for obsessive compulsive personality disorder. While they both have similar names and symptoms, they are in fact different; two … Read more

Willingness | 5 Natural ways to reduce anxiety

5 Natural ways to reduce anxiety

Anxiety can affect our life on so many levels, whether you are suffering from anxiety attacks, feeling anxious at particular moments or currently feeling anxious due to the COVID19 pandemic, it is important for us to start to work on … Read more

Willingness | 6 Symptoms of Depression

6 Symptoms of Depression

Today, we know that depression is a phenomenon found in different cultures across the globe. Depression may be expressed in a variety of ways; with elements of anxiety or anger for some individuals, while others may tend to experience depressive … Read more

Willingness | Personality Traits part 3 |Paranoid Styles

Personality Traits part 3 |Paranoid Styles

The relatively stable way of how we organise our thoughts, feelings, and behaviour in different situations is what we usually refer to as our personality. When our personality loses its ability to be flexible and isn’t able to adapt adequately … Read more

Willingness | I feel lonely and sad

I feel lonely and sad

You may have heard the phrase ‘no man is an island’. This means that people need each other to survive in a healthy manner, as when they are isolated from society they do not function at their best. However, when … Read more

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