Willingness | Inħoss li ma Twelidtx fil-Ġisem li Suppost

Inħoss li ma Twelidtx fil-Ġisem li Suppost

Li tħossok li inti persuna differenti minn dak li qed jidher fuq barra tista’ tikkawża sensazzjoni ta’ dwejjaq kbar li tissejjaħ ‘gender dysphoria’ (Turban, 2020). Ħafna drabi, din tirriżulta f’operazzjonijiet fuq il-ġisem biex jinbidel għal dak tal-ġeneru li huma jidentifikaw

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Willingness | My vagina hurts when I have sex

My vagina hurts when I have sex

Sexual intercourse should not hurt, but give you pleasure. If you are reading this, you have most probably experienced vaginal pain in intimate situations with your sexual partner or afterwards – the pain might occur in the vagina or deeper

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