Willingness | Telqitni ħesrem

Telqitni ħesrem

Jien mara li kont ili kważi sentejn mat-tfajla u ma nistax nifhem għaliex telqitni wara argument. Ma kinitx l-ewwel darba li ma qbilniex fuq xi ħaġa u spiċċajna nargumentaw – kemm jien u kemm hi aħna rasna iebsa. Pero dejjem Read more

Willingness | Inġbidt lejn il-personal trainer

Inġbidt lejn il-personal trainer

Jien mara ta’ 35 sena, miżżewġa b’tewmin ta’ 7 snin. Nemmen ħafna fl-importanza ta’ l-attivtia’ fizika u minn żgħożiti dejjem kont nieħu sehem f’xi sport jew atletika l-iskola. Xi sena ilu ridt nerġa nibda u bdejt immur il-gym. Riċentament qabbadt Read more

Willingness | Eating problems part 4/4

Eating problems part 4/4

Eating problems can be overcome. Many people find that once they have found support and help, they begin to learn how to tackle their problems, cope with the causes and improve their relationship with food. While people around you may … Read more

Willingness | Eating Problems 3/4

Eating Problems 3/4

Our childhood and upbringing is often linked to developing eating disorders. For example, if your parents were particularly strict you may have begun to use food as a way of gaining more control over your life. Another example might be … Read more

Willingness | Eating Problems 2/4

Eating Problems 2/4

An eating problem is any kind of relationship with food that you are finding difficult. This problem may be considered as an eating disorder if your behavior meets the medical criteria for a diagnosis. The most common eating disorders are … Read more

Willingness | Eating Problems 1/4

Eating Problems 1/4

Food plays an important part in our lives. It is a topic which is often thought and spoken about because eating is not simply just one of our primary needs. Our relationship with food often changes- sometimes we may try … Read more

Willingness | What can cause a sexual problem?

What can cause a sexual problem?

‘Sexual health is the integration of the somatic, emotional, mental and social aspects of sexual being, in ways that are positively enriching and that enhance personality, communication and love’ (World Health Organization)

So if sexual health is made up of … Read more

Willingness | Inesa's Willingness Experience

Inesa’s Willingness Experience

Two months ago, I was sitting at the airport waiting for my flight to Malta and I can remember clearly the way my heart was beating faster, the way my hands were shacking, the way I felt excited and scared Read more

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