Willingness | Let the Children Play

Let the Children Play

Our opportunities to play as children have influenced and shaped the capacity we have as adults to navigate our own lives. Play has influenced our own creative capacities and problem solving abilities. What kind of tools do we want our Read more

Willingness | Consent in Sexual Relationship

Consent in Sexual Relationship

Consent is the agreement of two people to have any kind of sexual activity together. It also means that any person can decide at any time that they want to stop. It seems clear and simple. But is it really … Read more

Willingness | Ma Jhobbnix Lura

Ma Jhobbnix Lura

Naf ġuvni li ilni ħabiba miegħu minn mindu konna żgħar. Malli kbirt bdejt nirrealizza li miġbuda lejh. Qsamt qalbi ma’ ħabiba u tagħtni biżżejjed kuraġġ biex inkellmu dwar kif inħossni. Tkellimtha miegħu u hu spjegali li lili jarani biss bħala Read more

Willingness | The Cheapest Perfect Present this Christmas

The Cheapest Perfect Present this Christmas

I was once holding a class with a group of adults. I asked them to share with me their most favourite toy from childhood. Low and behold, as each individual spoke, none of them mentioned toys. They all recalled experiences. … Read more

Willingness | Why do we dream?

Why do we dream?

Before we attempt to answer this question, we should have a look at the meaning of dreams. A dream can be described as a state of consciousness and is characterized by sensory, cognitive and emotional occurrences during sleep. The person … Read more

Willingness | Odd or Even?

Odd or Even?

Did you ever feel like you’re the only one who’s different? Then it’s easy to imagine that most kids also feel like that sometimes. And some children feel like that a lot because other kids notice the difference and point Read more

Willingness | Little Dreamers

Little Dreamers

“Love, perhaps, is the ability to see more deeply, to understand the pain in the lives of those children that fill your classrooms, and know that love heals their wounds when all else has failed”.


My hope, as an educator Read more

Willingness | Am I Normal?

Am I Normal?

I seem to face this question on a regular basis, I am sure that you probably have asked yourself this too. I ask this question to myself from time to time, also individuals who I meet socially and clients ask … Read more

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