Willingness | Dealing with grief - Part 3 of 3

Dealing with grief – Part 3 of 3

As promised, in my previous blog we will now look into other modes of grief.  Literature indicates, that with the increase of terminal illness diagnosis, the grief process took a different progression as it can start long before one loses … Read more

Willingness | Dealing with grief - Part 2 of 3

Dealing with grief – Part 2 of 3

As I stated in the previous blog we will now deal with the topic of grief in more detail. What is important to understand is that there is no one “correct” way of dealing with grief, since human beings have … Read more

Willingness | Dealing with grief - Part 1 of 3

Dealing with grief – Part 1 of 3

Today, I will write about a topic that is close to my heart; that is how we deal with grief.


A famous psychiatrist known by the name of Elizabeth-Kubler Ross dedicated her life studying and researching this topic.  Through … Read more

Willingness | Giving ‘The talk'

Giving ‘The talk’

For parents, to talk about sex and sexuality with their teens may be a challenging task due to embarrassment, feeling awkward and not knowing how to properly discuss it.


Parents may also avoid discussing sex because they are afraid … Read more

Willingness | What is Consent and what is not?

What is Consent and what is not?

There are some cases where consent just cannot be given. In fact, consent is considered null and invalid is specific situations and any enrolment for sex under these conditions may be termed as sexual abuse.

The person cannot give consent … Read more

Willingness | What is OCD ?

What is OCD ?

‘’I washed my hands several times but I need to make sure they are clean. I need to wash my hands again.’’


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder made up of obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions … Read more

Willingness | Communication- Part 4 of 4

Communication- Part 4 of 4

Some practical tips on how to have clear conversations about sex are to follow:

Say what you mean and mean what you say

It is very important to say what you mean and mean what you say when communicating. Trying … Read more

Willingness | Communication - Part 3 of 4

Communication – Part 3 of 4

As we discussed in the earlier blogs, if one cannot bring themselves to be comfortable talking about sex with their partner maybe their relationship is not intimate enough yet. Maybe they should work on their emotional intimacy first and be … Read more

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