Willingness | Myth-busting - Dissociative Disorders

Myth-busting – Dissociative Disorders

Dissociative disorders are a category of illnesses characterised by abrupt shifts in a person’s sense of reality-related perception, thinking, consciousness, identity, or memory. An individual with dissociative disorder could feel cut off from both their environment and themselves. 

Dissociative amnesia, … Read more

Supportive psychotherapy

A client and I have been working together for a couple of months now. He’s been going through an acute stress reaction triggered by a distressing event in his life. By the time he sought my help, he had been … Read more

Willingness | <strong>How Does Physical Therapy Help Mental Health</strong>

How Does Physical Therapy Help Mental Health

Given the multiple networks of communication between the brain and the body system, the mind and body are connected. In fact, one’s mental health can deteriorate following a major medical event, for instance a serious fall, going through surgery, or … Read more

Willingness | <strong>Breaking the binge-restrict cycle</strong>

Breaking the binge-restrict cycle

The binge-restrict cycle is a pattern that is characterised by periods of food restriction followed by binging, during which the person would feel unable to control what or how much they are eating. Bingeing is typically followed by intense guilt, … Read more

Willingness | <strong>Minn Mindu Qed Nisseparaw, It-Tifel Sar Iwarrabni</strong>

Minn Mindu Qed Nisseparaw, It-Tifel Sar Iwarrabni

Nista’ nifhem l-uġigħ li l-ġenitur iħoss meta t-tfal tiegħek jibdew iwarrbuk, apparti l-uġigħ li ġġib magħha t-telfa tar-relazzjoni. Jekk din tkun problema ġdida, jaf tħossok ħafna aktar konfuż u anzjuż minħabba dak li jkun qed jiġri. Ħafna drabi, inwaħħlu fis-sieħeb … Read more

Willingness | <strong>Burnout’s Five Stages</strong>

Burnout’s Five Stages

Burnout’s Five Stages

Since the American psychologist, Herbert Freudenberger described burnout syndrome first in the 1970s, further research has been done and it shows that burnout does not happen suddenly, rather it occurs in different stages. Each stage is characterized … Read more

Willingness | <strong>10 Relationship Red Flags</strong> 

10 Relationship Red Flags 

We hear about red flags all the time, especially in the context of romantic relationships. But do we really know what they mean? And does the perception of what makes something a red flag differ from one person to another? … Read more

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