Willingness | ‘Am I going to die?’

‘Am I going to die?’

Many of us are uncomfortable discussing death. I work in a cancer care setting and at times, after a cancer diagnosis, patients do ask this question. It is a question that can make us feel uneasy because as health care … Read more

Willingness | Am I a perfectionist? - Part 2 of 2

Am I a perfectionist? – Part 2 of 2

In the first part of this blog we discussed which traits may belong to a person who is considered to be a perfectionist. In this second part we shall be discussing some tips which can help a someone overcome perfectionism.… Read more

Willingness | Am I a perfectionist ? - Part 1 of 2

Am I a perfectionist ? – Part 1 of 2

Many people believe that being a perfectionist is advantageous, and most consider having high standards as a positive quality because striving for excellence can show that you have a good work ethic. High standards can also push you to reach … Read more

Willingness | Health behaviour and health promotion - Part 1 of 2

Health behaviour and health promotion – Part 1 of 2

“Eat this because it’s healthy”, “drink that because it’s healthy”, “exercise like that because it’s healthy”. These are some common phrases that most of us have probably heard in our life. Behaviours undertaken by people to enhance their health are … Read more

Willingness | Childhood Cancers in Malta

Childhood Cancers in Malta

What are childhood cancers?

Locally, we have some statistics and data about childhood cancers. Although they are not the latest statistics, it can help us generate a picture of the incidence of childhood cancers. Childhood cancers, are cancers in children … Read more

Willingness | Smoking Cessation

Smoking Cessation

The end of year tends to make us more reflective on the past year, in which we evaluate and attempt to take steps to better ourselves. It’s a great initiative however for one to complete their goals the specific change … Read more

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