Willingness | That’s Poly-Amore

That’s Poly-Amore

Polyamory comes from the terms “poly” meaning ‘several’ and “amory” meaning ‘love’, so we can say that polyamory is a type of relationship where the people involved have several loves. This is different from monogamy, where the people involved make

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Willingness | Jum San Valentinu u m’għandix aptit sess

Jum San Valentinu u m’għandix aptit sess

Kull fejn iddawwar rasek fjuri ħomor, qlub, u ritratti ta’ koppji kuntenti.  Nimxi l-Belt u taqbadni għafsa ta’ qalb meta nara lit-tfajla tħares lejn koppji oħra li mehdijin f’xulxin.  “Get a room” ikun hemm min jgħidilhom. X’għandi ħażin jien?


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Willingness | The Queer Friendly Therapy Room

The Queer Friendly Therapy Room

When we speak about equality, and discrimination, sometimes we can focus only on things such as physical or verbal violence towards a minority, slurs, or not giving an opportunity to a minority purely because they are a minority. These are

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Willingness | Working towards Acceptance

Working towards Acceptance

So, you’ve just found out that your child, your friend, your sibling, falls under the LGBTQIA+ spectrums (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, intersex, asexual)…you either have been told directly by your loved one, or you somehow found out through other

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Willingness | I’m coming out for Christmas

I’m coming out for Christmas

Christmas time is generally viewed to be the time when families come together. With our busy schedules, sometimes it’s either a wedding, a funeral, or Christmas, which brings the entire family together. This time is seen as one to bond

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Teenage years can be considered to be full of very high highs, and very low lows. It’s a rollercoaster of emotions as you try to navigate, love, intimacy, relationships, friendships… and school. This is universal, and it is experienced by

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Willingness | World AIDS Day!

World AIDS Day!

One of health psychology’s main preventative tools is psychoeducation. Educating one self about diseases and illnesses can help the individual prevent these diseases or else help them cope with the illness. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), is a virus that leads

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