Willingness | Valentine’s day on a budget

Valentine’s day on a budget

It’s February and Valentine’s Day is around the corner. It is a time when a lot of couples start feeling the stress and pressure to celebrate the best and most romantic way and to get the perfect and preferably most … Read more

Willingness | Helicopter Parenting - Part 2 of 2

Helicopter Parenting – Part 2 of 2

In this blog, I will be addressing the parent’s invasion of children’s privacy. As children grow into teenagers research shows that parents who invade their children’s privacy typically end up knowing less about what their children are doing since children … Read more

Willingness | Il-pornografija u r-realtà

Il-pornografija u r-realtà

Jiena tfajla ta’ 20 sena. Ilni f’relazzjoni mal-għarus xi sena u nofs issa u dawn l-aħħar sitt xhur qbadtu diversi drabi jara l-pornografija. Naf li għal xi nies hija xi ħaġa normali pero mingħandu ma stennejthiex u ħassejtni ftit imħawwda. Read more

Willingness | Inħossni miġbuda lejn missier l-għarus

Inħossni miġbuda lejn missier l-għarus

Ili noħroġ mal-għarus kważi sena, u ftit xhur ilu ġejt mistiedna għand il-familja tiegħu għax xtaq ilaqqani magħhom. Kont naqra skomda għall-ewwel pero ħassejtni aċċettata u komda magħhom, kważi wisq komda. Jien u missieru partikolarment mal-ewwel klikkjajna, bħallikieku kien xi Read more

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